Congratulations to all our winners of the 2022 Annual Award who were presented with their awards at the Dolphin Pool during our training session on Thursday 23rd Feb 2023.
Only a selection of awards are given out each year to deserved members BUT… every single member of RLSS Poole Lifeguard is a winner!! you are all learning invaluable life skills by being a member of our club, So don’t ever forget that!
The reason you are all winners:
You have chosen to be part of this club and as such demonstrate a want to learn a life long valuable skill of saving lives and knowing what to do when others are in trouble in and around water!. Not many people in the world even want to be able to help others or would know how to, unlike each of you do – so well done everyone. #staysafe
Continue doing what you do – you make RLSS Poole Lifeguard proud to have you in our club – well done!
Our Annual Award Winners for 2022 are as follows:
Click on the images below to view larger versions of them

Most Improved Female Rookie
Lola Pilley
Lola has been with the club for a long time and is consistent in everything she does. Whether that is achieving Rookie Gold 3 and the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medallion or participating in Twilights, she puts in 100% effort into all that she does. Lola has also expressed an interest in assisting with Rookie training and I know she will make a welcome addition to the training team.

Most Improved Male Rookie
Jake Balchin
Jake has been an absolute superstar over this last year. His dedication to training is impeccable and gives every session his all. Having recently been nominated as Rookie of the Month, Jake has continued to grow in confidence and it is great to see him settle and love the training he does.

Rookie of the Year
Ellen Shakles
Ellen has been a dedicated member of Rookies and has grown in confidence throughout this last year by gaining Rookie 1,2 and 3 and the Platinum Jubilee Medallion. Ellen has the best attendance record at 93%. Ellen has made some strong friendships within the club. Ellen always assists in all the safety events which we have much appreciated. Ellen is a great role model for our club.

Assistant Lifeguard of the Year
Archie Snook
Archie has become a confident and competent lifesaver, not only having completed Rookie Gold 3 and the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medallion but has also represented the South Region at the National Lifesaving Championships. He has supported us at a number of safety cover events and has shown himself to be an excellent lifesaver. He is a credit to the club.

Lifeguard of the Year
Ethan Pilley
Ethan has worked incredibly hard this year, supporting the club at a variety of safety cover events and also qualifying as a Rookie Instructor. His dedications to the club has seen him grow and mature into an exceptional young man and an excellent lifesaver. He not only gives of his time, Ethan also gives of himself, providing moral support to our younger members at larger event such as the Twilights. It is great to see him now on the training team, passing his experience and kindness to the next generation of lifesavers.

Boatperson of the year
Samuel Travers
Awarded for Sam’s commitment and dedication to all club activities in particular his enthusiastic approach and ability to learn new skills in providing safety cover on the boats and gaining his RYA PB2.

Training Shield
Amelia Percival
Amelia’s confidence just keeps on growing and this has allowed her to give back to the club as a Rookie Instructor. A talented lifesaver in her own right, she regularly attends Thursday evening training both to teach and to take part in her own training. Her personality is matched with a sound knowledge of lifesaving skills, and this is what makes Amelia a worthy recipient of this award.

Services to Lifesaving
Mike Darkin
Awarded for giving freely of his time to enable the club to deliver multiple RYA PB 2 courses to our members through our club RYA Centre.

Associate member of the year
Emma and Tim Travers
Awarded for their all their support and enthusiasm with firstly assisting and subsequently getting involved with the safety cover at numerous events throughout the year

Certificate of thanks
Emma and Gary Snook
Awarded for their support with looking after our safety teams, following early morning starts at numerous open water events where the club provided Safety Cover.

Presidents award
Jill Bailey
For many years Jill has been a huge supporter of RLSS Poole Lifeguard Club. In addition to her many other roles within the RLSS UK and other local groups Jill has, over the last few years has found additional time to assist the club.
She has worked with Louise Harrison in preparing some of our policies, especially those relating to Safeguarding and Privacy and Data Protection. Following her assistance, it was agreed by the Club’s Executive Trustees to ask Jill to become one of our Governance Trustees, to which she gladly agreed.
Like so many voluntary groups RLSS Poole Lifeguard Club took a while to recover following the disruptions caused by Covid-19. Jill has always provided positive support and asks questions that stimulate discussion, cause reflection with a view to assisting the club to identify a way forward.
With 2022 being the first year since 2019 that the club was able to perform all of its various roles, providing training, entering competitions and co-ordinating and providing safety cover for open water events it became clear there were a number of different agendas being discussed. Jill played a key role in running a club review day; where a SWOT analysis to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to the club was completed. This process allowed representatives of the club to discuss all issues affecting the club. Following the SWOT Analysis an ongoing 5-year action plan was prepared. This will provide an agreed structure for taking the club forward.
Jill has many commitments in her life and I am pleased she has been able to give unselfishly of her time to RLSS Poole Lifeguard Club, she has assisted in laying the pathway for the club to a brighter future. Jill is extremely careful and considerate of others, she knows individuals are the backbone of any organisation, especially voluntary groups. She has delivered instructor courses allowing several our club members to qualify as Rookie and Survive and Save instructors. Jill’s knowledge and experience is a useful asset to the club.